

2000 - The Ballinglen Arts Foundation, Fellowship, Ballycastle, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland

1997 - The Constance Saltonstall Foundation for the Arts Grant

1996 - Louise Nevelson Award in Art, American Academy of Arts and Letters

1991 - American Scandinavian Foundation, Artists Travel Grant

1987 - National Endowment for the Arts, Visual Artists Fellowship Grant for Painting

1985 - National Endowment for the Arts, Visual Artists Fellowship Grant for Painting

         University of Rochester, Memorial Art Gallery, Louis D’Amanda Memorial Award

1980 - Millay Colony for the Arts, Austerlitz, New York, Painting Fellowship

1979 - Elinor Janeway Fellowship Award Medal, Stratton, VT

1978 - Ford Foundation Special Projects Grant, University of Washington

1976 - Cornell University, Charles Goodwin Sands Memorial Medal

1975 - Cornell University, Edith and Walter King Stone Memorial Prize

1973 - James Bowdoin Scholar, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME